10 essential photography tips for iPhone users

Key Takeaways Live Photos capture perfect moments before & after. Use them wisely with ample storage and iCloud backup. Cover faces with Markup, a considerate gesture for privacy. Easily replace faces with Emojis for sharing. Portrait Mode adds depth to photos. Experiment with different settings for an eye-catching effect. Plenty of new features are rumored to be coming to the iPhone with iOS 18 this fall, and chances are, this will include some updates within the Camera app. While it’s already a great tool with tons of customizability options and pro camera modes, some might argue that the iPhone camera…Continue Reading

Top tips for dog photography

Rhian White shares some secrets for cracking dog photography with Geoff Harris. Dogs. Many of us adore them, some of whom acquired these wonderful animal companions during the Covid-19 lockdowns. Not only is dog photography hugely rewarding in itself, but it can also form the basis of a photographic business or profitable sideline. But as with any photographic discipline, it’s not just a case of pointing your camera at Buddy or Bella and blasting away. To succeed in this genre you need to acquire a range of skill sets, including those from portraiture, action photography and even documentary work. You…Continue Reading

How to photograph the full moon this Monday

Full moon dates in 2024 March 25, 2024April 23, 2024May 23, 2024June 21, 2024 The Moon is one of nature’s wonders, but to photograph it successfully you first have to understand it. Although astrophotographers specializing in the Moon usually photograph it through a powerful telescope, a telephoto lens of almost any focal length is good enough to get a good Moon shot. Making the Moon the sole focus of a shot, however, is only one way to approach lunar photography; another is for it to enhance a landscape photo, where it can provide a powerful addition to a wide-angle image.…Continue Reading