How to take the best smartphone photos

Top smartphone photographer, teacher and author Jo Bradford shares her tips for taking the best smartphone photos that go beyond the predictable. With or without the best camera phone, be sure to follow these tips to get the best shots. Smartphone photos inspiration: Books Books on smartphone photography are (almost) ten a penny, but Jo Bradford is internationally recognised as an authority on the subject. Jo’s first book, Smart Phone, Smart Photography, was published in 2018, and since then she’s become a regular fixture on the camera club circuit, as well as running workshops for the RPS and appearing on…Continue Reading

5 Half Term School Holiday Photography Themes & Ideas

With some schools closed for the half-term break this week we thought we’d give you some suggestions on where you can go with the kids that’ll keep them entertained and still give you the opportunity to get your camera out of its bag. ADVERTISEMENT A picture, a moment can change the way we feel. Change how we see ourselves. Change our understanding and change the rules. Provoke and change history. MPB puts photo and video kit into more hands-on, more sustainably. Every month, visual storytellers sell more than 20,000 cameras and lenses to MPB. Choose used and get affordable access…Continue Reading

“I have no idea what the real story was in this photo, and every viewer will bring their own interpretation”

About Benedict Brain (Image credit: Marcus Hawkins) Benedict Brain is a UK-based photographer, journalist and artist. He is an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society and sits on the society’s Distinctions Advisory Panel. He is also a past editor of Digital Cameras Magazine, and the author of You Will be Able to Take Great Photos by The End of This Book. Equipment isn’t something I banged on about a great deal in this column, although there have been times when I feel it’s important to acknowledge the role of kit in the creative process. I acquired a Fujifilm X100V, as…Continue Reading

Night Photography Tips From Nat Geo Photographer Keith Ladzinski

Glowing tents dot the grass around Les Cheserys Lake in the French Alps. | Photograph by Keith Ladzinski As part of its 2023 in Review series, National Geographic has not only revealed its “Pictures of the Year,” the iconic publication has also worked with its photographers to deliver a series of how-to articles designed to help amateur shutterbugs up their game heading into 2024. Alongside educational articles on portraits, wildlife, and underwater photography, written by Celeste Sloman, Jasper Doest, and Jennifer Hayes, respectively, famed Nat Geo photographer Keith Ladzinski wrote about “How to take great photos at night.” Scouting and…Continue Reading